Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Windows 10 Upgrade
This is all new... so this page will be updated as time goes on. This is a major update even to the mast majority of computer geeks.
First off, if you did NOT say yes to reserve your free copy (Windows logo in bottom corner) do so NOW!
I will have to say once again Microsoft excelled in the "I am stupid department" with the Win 10 upgrades in oh so many areas because they never ask us old time computer geeks.Windows 10 has a better menu system than Win 8 out of the box but will be almost unusable to a previous Win 7 user. The 'Super Apps' are a joke. Many free Win programs are much better.
Out of the box Win 10 pictures:
Menu . Menu Open . Settings (New Control Panel; they did leave the old one behind once you figure out where it is) . Programs (you have to 'search' for what you want, lots of learning curve here).
Our Windows 10 (modifications to old computers or new computers; this is customer's copy so your programming will be different)
Menu . Menu Open . Control Panel (off of main menu like most are used to doing)
New to Windows 10 is File Explorer (Windows Explorer) which keeps track of your most recently opened Folders as well as Documents. This maybe the fix for the "green bar of death." It is nice either way.
Estimated costs to current customers $50.
Estimated cost to new customers $50-$100 (depends on how much garbage needs removed first).
At present (I don't see this changing; MS never repents), you will have to wait for your turn to get Windows 10, it will download automatically and bug you to install.
A screen will come up eventually that gives you the opportunity to RESERVE FOR LATER. Pick at day and time in the future...
If you have Windows 7 HOME or Windows 8 HOME you will only get Windows 10 HOME not Professional without $$$.Pack up your computer and bring it here!
I may be able to remote into your computer and fix this mess for customers who are far out of the area.I have succeeded in making Win 10's menu look & work like Windows XP's menu system with NO Apps, plugged all the 'known' Win 10 security holes at this time which are the "talk of the town."
Other notes:
Win 10 is a lot faster than Win 7.
The Win 10 upgrade appears to be slightly faster than Win 8.
Win 10 is free for as long as your computer (motherboard actually) lives.
If you do NOT have a complete system backup of your Windows 10 when finished you may lose all the "free" and never be able to go back to the old Win 8 or maybe not even Win 7.
I can arrange a system backup too during the upgrade.
It is foolish for you NOT take the free upgrade and you have only until July 2016 to do so. Windows 8 had about a 100 security upgrades that Windows 7 did not have last year. I would expect in about a year that Win 7 & 8 are both going to basically mothballed with few fixes of any kind.
Illegal issues:
IF you have an illegal copy of Windows 7 or 8, it may upgrade but it is still ILLEGAL and Microsoft will know for sure who & where you are. So if you do NOT have a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) sticker on your computer, you have ILLEGAL! Win 8 from Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo & HP/Compaq are leased NOT owned. (That is why you may never be able to restore your system should the hard drive fail. Bring your computer in if that is an issue for you.) IF you purchase your illegal computer from one of our competitors in the area we can make it legal for you, or you can wait until the Feds take you away as this month's poster child.
Spyware & viruses:
32 / 64 Home / Pro
If your computer is full of spyware or viruses, Win 10 upgrade will NOT fix them. We have to make sure your computer is clean before our radical remake of Win 10 back to usable.
Purchasing Store bought junk:
Note to anyone who does NOT buy their future computer(s) from us. Windows 10 out of the box will take about 3-5 hrs. to remove all the Demo & unwanted/unneeded Apps and make it sort of usable. Another note, we can't build "new" computers as slow as the "faster" computers which are claimed to be "new" by the Store dealers like Staples, HH Gregg, Walmart, etc.
Security updates and bug fixes:
Win 8 last year had about 100 updates that Win 7 did not get. In about a year I would expect Win 8 & Win 7 both to be basically mothballed. Little or NO security fixes for things that don't absolutely have to be fixed. No fix for the OS that is NOT a security issue and then some security issues, like XP in in later year or so, were just not fixed at all.
You have no choice but to upgrade, I would just not get on the band wagon immediately wait until Oct. or so or until your "Dental Software company says so (or other business specific software you may have purchased)."
If you have 32 bit Windows 7 or 8 you will only get Windows 10 32 bit. (At present I see no way to change this.)
We may have a way around the 32 / 64 bit issue but you have to bring us the computer NOW not after the Win 10 download.
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