Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
What We Can Do For You:
We can set your business up to be able to pass our:
"Network Tests" & "Backup Tests" & our "How Safe Are You?"
We can fix the mess you have now and create a "Perfect
Computer System" for you. If you don't have that system or are
paying more than $35 per hour for service you need to phone (740)
695-1520 to discuss your needs.
When you buy new equipment from us we do things a little differently...
Say you purchase 5 computers from us. We work with you to install
all the software, settings and shortcuts, network software, etc. that all
5 computers will need on just one computer. Then we clone that computer
to the other 4. In one place that had 9 Dells shipped to them from
the corporation office, it cost the business 5 hours per Dell ($175) to
have all the above settings installed. Total bill was $840 (some software
was installed on more than one machine at a time). The savings could
have bought them almost a spare computer, if it had been our equipment.
This same clone can be used for future computer purchases too, if kept
up to date for even a greater savings.
We have many methods and software available for you to run better. How about in house only email and chat, paperless fax office, fax ability from every workstation, address lists that you maintain and mail, database programs that create your own web sites and web site shopping carts; self maintenance of your own web site. Email filtering, junk mail filtering.
pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015
by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.
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