Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
A Perfect Computer SystemWe at ISC have a totally different point of view on your computer system and your business in general. We don't tell you what you want to hear; we tell you what you need to hear. Many of our customers have saved more money from taking our recommendations then what they ever paid ISC. 99% of our customers are from "word of mouth."
Our believes are: Keep updates and maintenance up to date. Upgrade equipment when possible, replace with good equipment when too dated. Fix little problems; don't let them fester. We try to prevent disasters. Less problems give you more productivity. Keep security high and keep those holes plugged. Lots of backups. Major problems like hard drive failures, become annoyances, not catastrophic disasters.
NOW onto what is a perfect system, an ISC system:
If a hard drive dies in the next 5 minutes, you could be back up and running with a new one in less than 2 hours.
All computers made of parts with no proprietary hardware; no 'gutted' or 'scaled down Windows.'
A person can do his / her job from any workstation in the building.
In less than 3 hours a total server crash can be fixed.
Server software could be back up and running on another server in the same amount of time should the server 'catch fire'. Important productivity software in less than 1 hour.
20-33% of the system is upgraded per year. (Any one who tells you your new computer will work for you forever, is lying through their teeth! Even 5 years is lying these days!)
Redundant backups. If the file you worked on Tues. is found to be missing Thursday, it can be retrieved in less than 5 minutes by the system administrator.
In the absolute worst case scenario, you would never lose more than one day of work.
A brand new computer can be put into full service in about one hour.
All normal updates and maintenance are either automatic or we show someone in house how to do them.
People are given what they need for their jobs not the extra "games" and "chat" programs.
The perimeter is firewalled to stop evil from coming in and you are stopped from getting to evil from within.
If any part of your computer system doesn't work like a ISC system, you need to phone (740) 695-1520 to discuss your needs.
Why you don't have a perfect system...
What are you paying one of our competitors? How about that IT person who is always in his office?The IT person(s) is trying to keep his / her job. You are paying a computer company who knows they make more money if it breaks and who plans to make more money! A bad attitude on the company's part to "fix only what is broke," "change the engine" not "change the oil." In a perfect computer system of 100 computers / 5 servers it costs you less than $275 per week average in labor for us to keep it maintained and deal with the 2-5% failures per year. YOUR system not perfect? Give us a call at (740) 695-1520 to get it that way!
All pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015 by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
Do not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.HOME . CONTACT US . PRICE LISTS . Are you in good shape? Take the tests: How Safe Are You? . Network . Backups