Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Operating Systems
Which one to buy?
TRAINS OF THOUGHT (Feb. 2004):Our current licensing with Microsoft allows you to purchase Windows XP Professional and then have Windows 98 SE or ME or Windows 2000 installed. If later if you wish or have no choice but use XP Pro then you have already purchased XP.
1. Buy Win 98, save money now ($65), upgrade later ($145 for XP Pro plus labor costs or $165+ for the next Win disaster), should Microsoft produce something worth having. Hope that nothing for the next few years, really obsoletes Win 98. So far Win 95 is running just fine 2 years after non-support. (Note: Micro$oft stopped distribution of Win 98. We know they are up to something. This is similar to General Motors dropping the Cadillac. Windows 98 sells were still going strong, last month.)
2. Buy Windows 2000 SP4 FAT 32 and settle for a compromise on capatiblility, but gain stability over 98.
3. Buy XP Professional, bite the bullet and hope and pray Microsoft fixes it. Then never buy old software or old computer equipment again. Plan to stay on the phone long hours to make some software packages work after installing. Hope the next Blaster virus doesn't get you.
4. Buy XP Home now and know that any money saved ($65) will be spent on your time or someone else's restoring it every time it crashes. (We never sold XP Home, but are fixing about one a week that crashed, most still under one year old.)
(A couple of definitions "Win 9x" means Windows 95 or 98 or Millennium. Win NTx means all NT platforms NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Home or Professional.)NOW FOR THE GOOD NTx vs Win 9x:
It this shop we will be using Windows 98 long after Microsoft denies support because Win 98 SE will work with all hardware we own and all software we own. It allows us to work on other people's computers better... etc.
- In a computer that has current patches, bug fixes, no hardware incompatibilities and minimal software and hardware installed, Windows NT or 2000 in any form is more stable than Windows 98. XP Professional is barely if at all better than Win 98. That is less "blue screens of death" less lock ups that require reset or powering the computer off and then back on. (The phone home messages in XP are actually "blue screens of death." They are masked by the pretties.) In most cases Windows ME and 2000 are very close and much better than XP. NT 4.0 is the most stable or Windows 2000 SP4.
- Windows XP is really pretty with that "AOL" look.
- Win NTx operating systems will allow you to run two or more operating systems on the same hardrive without special software. We are running 3 operating systems on one shop computer, NT 4.0 Server, Win 98, Win 2000 and 2 operating systems on one of the other computers, Win 98 and Win 2003 server. (We do 99.9% of all work here in Windows 98.) (We had XP Pro but it keeps dying. So far 5 times in the past year.)
- Windows XP Professional has added support for DVDs, CDRWs and remote operation. (Programs that costs on a Win 98 machine about $20, if you don't like the free ones available.)
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