Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Firewalls... Software:
The one built into your Windows XP SP2 is a joke, forget it buy a better one. It is as the expression says... "better than nothing but not by much."Zone Alarm (purchased version), McAfee & Norton are most common better software firewalls. They allow some added protection over the hardware firewalls because they give you the ability to "deny" programs on your PC from accessing the Internet. But they do not remove the offenders. Blocking access to some spyware programs will actually lock up windows (by design from the slime balls). $40 - $100 per computer.
The not so common software firewalls run "blacklists" or "block lists." These stop you from accessing bad places on the Internet or your computer from accessing these same bad places without your knowledge. They are about the only software that does a fair job of spyware prevention. $80-??? per computer.
Here is a problem... Most all software firewalls come combined with virus programs. Click here for that discussion.
One hardware firewall and one software firewall are the barest minimum any home or business should have in front of and installed on every PC not behind one of our Firewall content Filtering Servers. Especially Windows XP! Even more so with XP Home garbage!
When you add up the costs of these our Firewall content Filtering Server becomes relatively inexpensive even on a less than 10 user network.
If you have Social Security Numbers stored on your computer or account numbers you are a high level target for all hackers! It is doubtful you have enough protection unless you are an ISC customer.
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