Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
E-mail Privacy and Security
(The following is Email under 99% of usages. We at ISC have better ways to deal with Email and security if you need it.)Do not think of e-mail as being similar to a personal letter delivered to you in a sealed envelope by the post office. Instead, e-mail is more like a postcard. Most often, it gets dependably delivered but there may be opportunities along the way for people other than the addressee to view the contents.
Email passwords and username go across the Internet in plain text. (For ISC Customers please look in the passworded area for more on this and password.)
E-mail is not considered private. You should have no expectation of privacy when using e-mail to transmit, store and communicate information. Private information about veterans and employees (any information that pertains to a veteran or employee that is coupled with information that can identify the veteran or employee) are not permitted to be transmitted by email unless it is encrypted.
E-mail is not considered secure. E-mail systems, are vulnerable to virus attacks. In fact, most computer viruses are spread through e-mail messages
E-mail hints for work and home.
(Originally text reworded by ISC. Complements of the U.S. Military.)
- Utilize virus-scanning software. Be sure it is kept up-to-date. Scan all e-mails and attachments sent to you.
- Always be cautious in opening e-mail from people you don't know. Make sure the subject lines are appropriate before opening. If you are not sure whether the e-mail is legitimate, then contact the sender by phone.
- Don't open attachments from people you don't know EVER!
- Utilize e-mail in an appropriate manner. Don't forward or create hoaxes or ask people to modify their computer systems. Don't spread rumors using e-mail. Be suspicious of any message that tells you to forward it to others.
- Unsubscribe from mailing lists in which you are no longer interested.
- Don't participate in "mail-storms" involving scores (or hundreds or even thousands) of users responding "me too!" or "thanks" or even "please stop."
- Use "reply to all" sparingly. Does everyone in your large mail group really need to see your response? Often, it is more appropriate to limit your response to just the sender.
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