Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Piracy & new & used computers from our competitors:
This article is placed here not to be offensive to you. It is because we don't want you to be the victim of a crime, especially without your knowledge. Ignorance of the law still gets you 1-5 years and up to $10,000 fine per incident.
- IF you are a victim of illegal copies of Microsoft products, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Microsoft Office or any other Microsoft Product--- Report the crook, buy the product and keep out of jail. Do the good thing and report the crook to keep him from ripping off another unknowing person. Report the thief at piracy@microsoft.com. You can also have your local police department arrest the person because he has sold you "Stolen Property." What to view the information for yourself go to http://www.microsoft.com/howtotell.
- FACT: Piracy is a 10 billion dollar business. Most computer companies in this area don't give you the CD ROM's that SHOULD come with your new or used computer.
- FACT: If you do not have the Windows COA (certificate of authenticity) either on the Windows book or on the computer you have an illegal copy. If you don't have a COA for the Microsoft Office you have an illegal copy; NO ifs, ands or buts! Any CD ROM will not be copper or gold in color; these are CD ROMs that have been recorded.
- FACT: Along with ALL Microsoft products comes a Certificate of Authenticity. You don't have it, you have an illegal copy. http://www.microsoft.com/howtotell
- It does not matter if the man is a nice person with a nice name like Bob or Dan or Mike, if you buy a used computer, legally it has to come with a Windows Certificate of Authenticity (COA).
- FACT: Many computer dealers, including big chains, buy the computers from someone else with everything nice and legal. Then they take out the CD ROMs and sell them to other people at a reduced price or your computer to you at a reduced price. Is $10,000 fine worth the savings of $50-100?
- FACT: Even national computer companies plays on the ignorance of their customers. "Well for an extra $50 we will send you the CD's." Mail order companies and used computer sellers are the worst for this.
- Did you get ripped off. DO YOU WANT TO GET EVEN? Here is a way to do it:
- Contact a policeman in your area. Tell him about the person and have him with a couple of witnesses buy a computer from the Crook. (If by chance you did receive real software, return the computer within 2 days and they can't charge you anything.)
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