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Microsoft Server vs Linux Samba
(This is an honest approach from a company who can do either or both, not a company that does just one. )
(We currently maintain about 80% Linuxl and 10% Windows Servers; many in the same location.)
This is a copy of the old Novell vs. Microsoft and is only general facts, changed for Linux (will correct more later).
Winner Loser Easier to Install by Joe Blow Computer Dealer Microsoft NT, 2000, 2003 Linux Samba Network Upgrading & Replacement Linux Samba could have an infinite software cycle. It depends on newly discovered security flaws or if you want the new features of the next version or not. Upgrading in most cases is easy. Microsoft reinvents the wheel every 2 years and takes it off the market in 5 years. Every 5 years you purchase a complete new computer server and software for it or take large risk with virus attacks or security issues. 20 user network... about $4000 every 5 years. Easier to Install by an ISC professional Linux Samba (also cheaper for you) Microsoft Server software (requires more field work and is just "picky" like all Microsoft Windows) Less Expensive to you when installed by an ISC professional Linux Samba servers are less expensive to build and maintain Windows servers are $200-500 more if compared speed for speed against Linux Samba. Plus extra field work and maintenance. Cabling requirements doesn't matter doesn't matter Extra Features over normal server Linux has lots of other options.. look closely at our "Managed Firewall content Filtering Server" Microsoft Exchange server with back office or small business suite is good for 12-14 virus attacks per day. Duplexing or Mirroring available with both available with both Mirrored Servers Linux Samba not available with Microsoft Security from hackers and in house "bad employees" Linux Samba far superior Windows servers forget it. Keep lots of backups. Virus are far worst of a threat with Windows. Remember "Blaster" virus. Email spamming is common from hacked Microsoft servers. General Security Linux Samba absolute "hand down" winner. How many spywares and viruses are there for Windows? 10's of thousands! Security over a WAN Linux Samba Microsoft Easier to Maintain by in house people Web interface Microsoft has 4 actions or programs to do the same. Sharing Databases or files Linux Samba far superior (even pro Windows people say this.) Record locking problems and sharing violations are common. Sharing of Network Printers Microsoft but this is actually Windows 9x networking. Linux Samba (actually CUPS) Network shared resources based on each User Linux Samba can allow movement throughout the office of personnel and their shared network files/printer/servers goes with them. Microsoft is very much work station based or takes massive amounts of configuration for each individual user. Users able to use any company computer (multiple job employee) Linux Samba rights can be adjusted to each User allowing them to work more than one job per day Microsoft server users are very much press into using the same machine all the time. Running DOS based work
stationsLinux Samba work stations can be pure DOS machines. NT hates DOS and costly (labor) to use DOS work stations. W2k and Server 2003 forget it. Running DOS programs or Older Windows 3.11 programs Linux Samba doesn't care what operating system is used and supports MAC, UNIX, DOS, Windows, even NT, 2000 or XP. NT is picky and some just will not run or extremely slow! Running Programs directly on the server (rare, mostly accounting packages) Samba requires less horsepower to run. Windows 200x is slow on super computers. Easier to set up an "in house Web Server" Linux comes with Apache and is secure 100 fold over Windows and comes naturally with most web tools. An absolute nightmare, expecially when you want PERL, PHP and such. Software compatibility Windows if using Windows add-ons. Some software companies don't have a clue about anything but M$. In a "Worst Scenario" disaster, which is easier to be back up and running Linux Samba absolute winner. NT has little backup of the items that take the most time to set up: the users, operating system, printers More Prone to Crash NT definite winner
The blue screen of death on NT makes Windows 9x look nice.Linux Samba definite loser. Outside of hardware problems or a Administrative blunder. I have never seen one Which one makes ISC more money NT definitely! Not only is NT's Service Pack (bug fixes) but is just has problems from time to time. Linux Samba is almost self sufficient except for occasional Service Packs (bug fixes). Needs more "tweaking" after being placed in service NT definite winner Linux Samba needs very little, if any at all. Patches and bug fixes (cost to you) NT the winner, you the loser. NT's can be hours of install and download time with extra human intervention. Most Linux Samba patches are automated and consolidated together. Bottom line costs NT wins hands down. I know of two companies that have spent over $10,000. One other in 4 years $50,000. Linux Samba after setup for about the first year runs about $300 for tweaking, patches etc Don't get us wrong, we like Microsoft servers they always make us more money. Definitions:
Duplexing or Mirroring: Ability to have two hardrives in the same server that are exactly mirror image of each other. One dies the other takes over. (Cuts server failure 70-90%) BACKMirrored Servers: Same as above except one server is identical to another server. If one server gets hit by lightning the other one takes over. This is for those people who have to have twenty four hours a day, 366 days a year service like hospitals, radio stations, factories, public utilities. BACK
Written by Butch Walker but not finished, 3-2006.![]()
All pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015 by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
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