Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Custom Built Database SoftwareIf your business is currently using 4 or 5 different programs and would like a database to run all its current business, you need to contact use. We currently have available or in design:
Do Not Call List Module to allow employees to check a phone number against the government's "Do Not Call List".
Rural Bus Transit Program Module for County or City Bus Services, Contracted or General Service. (Could be adapted to any transporation company.)
A Mailing List Database for tracking mass mailings. We can save you a lot of dollars if you maintain mailing lists for your company of over 5000 names. We have saved one company over $50,000. We have a simple to remove duplication, bad addresses, and ways to combine mailing lists that have been done by various software packages. The companies that do postage mailings get paid by number going out, duplication or bad addresses are their friends!
Vehicle Fleet Maintance Program
Tour Bus Service
Theater / Talent Tracking Program Module
If you don't have a Specialized Software Package to run you business you should contact us.
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