Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Legal Disclaimers
Not responsible for typos and all prices are subject to change without notice.
Not every page of this web site is updated on a weekly or even a yearly basis, some information may be dated.All items and topics discussed on this web site are the opinions of the writers and DO reflect the opinions of ISC. They come from personal testing, observation, and over 20 years of experience and 20 years in business, 15 years in networking.
ISC has never been bankrupt or was ever purchased by or from someone else.
Reference to Super Stores, Discount Stores should be taken as inclusive of all such dealers. Most are owned by other Super Stores. If you want low end, low quality, refurbished, used, etc. then they are your best bet not us. If you want computer with illegal software installed on them buy Ebay or some other online auction.
We were the first OEM in the area who is still in business, and many have come and gone that copied us. Read someone else's advertisement and see who is copying whom. 99% of our competitors over the past 18 years that have come out of the wood work have gone out of business! If you want someone around tomorrow then deal with us today.
If you are a computer business or do computer work for others, we do not train or provide any software or networking support to our competitors regardless of the fact they buy equipment from us or not. Hardware warranties on failed parts are still warranted.
Microsoft, AMD, Intel, Corel, Norton (Symantec), Western Digital, Seagate, and other references to said products are copyrighted or registered trademarks by said manufacturer or company.
All, that means ALL, items on this web site are Copyrighted 2006 by Butch Walker with all rights reserved. Do not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.
All references to the "Firewall Content Filtering Server" is copyright by Butch Walker 2006 with all rights reserved. Our "Firewall content Filtering Server" is a leased not owned solution for your business. You have no right expressed or impled to ownership.
All pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015 by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
Do not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.HOME . CONTACT US . PRICE LISTS . Are you in good shape? Take the tests: How Safe Are You? . Network . Backups