Industry Standard Computers
St. Clairsville, Ohio
(740) 695-1520
30 Years In Business - 30 Years Experience with Computers - 25 Years with Networks & Security
The oldest system builder in the area, maybe in the state!
Best Labor Rate in the Area, $25 Shop, $40 Outside
Information about ISC and Its Owner:We are a small business located in a small city of less than 5000 people. We sometimes refer to this area as "mom and pop land" because most business are small family owned businesses. Most of the large businesses are chain stores with their minimum wage employees in this area.
We have been in business for 23 years, 18 years in the same location.Butch Walker, the owner, purchased a computer in 1985. After a couple of months, other computer people started paying him to do some of the things he did on his own computer to theirs. Computer companies started calling him to fix disasters they were not able to fix. Other computer companies started calling him, to fix disasters they could not fix. He did some consulting and systems integration under the name BA Walker Inc. After an industrial accident in 1990, he added custom built computers to his company and came up with a more "computer like" name ... Industry Standard Computers. In 1991, networking was added to the company. The rest is history till today.
In comparision, 4 million of the resellers, service technicians and consultants, system integrators and whatever else you call one of our competitors came into the business in the pass 7 years, most in the pass 3 or less. Can you really afford them for more money? Especially when we have been doing this for 20+ years? 90% of all businesses fail in the first 5 years, where is the warranty or service then? All computer companies in this area have started in business after ISC. ISC is the oldest system builder in the area... maybe in the state.
Find someone with more experience for less than $35 per hour, we dare you to try.
All pages on this website written by employees of ISC, © Copyright 1999-2015 by Butch Walker, all rights reserved.
Do not copy or use in any way without written permission from Butch Walker.HOME . CONTACT US . PRICE LISTS . Are you in good shape? Take the tests: How Safe Are You? . Network . Backups