Bethesda Farmers & Sportman Club
("Best kept secret in Belmont County, Ohio")


(Approx. 12 memberships left.)
Registration fee $50 (must be accepted by members, never convicted of a Felony)
Yearly renewal $50.

3 miles from Bethesda, Ohio city limits, off SR 147 going west towards Barnesville, Ohio.

Pistol Range:
25 yard & 50 yard targets.

Rifle Range
100 yard target

Trap Shooting Monday Nights during better weather months.

Mailing Address:
Bethesda Farmers & Sportman Club
PO Box 318
Bethesda, OH 43719

Friends of the National Rifle Association

Buy, Sell or Trade Club Items

Free Advertising for Raw Bullets & Brass

Wear Your Safety Glasses

"those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security" ~ Ben Franklin


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